Monday, October 26, 2009

Why Vaccine Makers Can't Keep Up with the H1N1 Virus

"The CDC just can't seem to get its predictions right when it comes to H1N1 vaccine delivery. In July, the organization said 120 million doses would be available to Americans by mid-October. In August, they reduced the estimate to 45 million doses. Now in mid-October it's down again to between 28 and 30 million, with some states ordering 10 times the amount actually distributed."

HHS' Sebelius: Ample flu vaccine will be available

"Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said Monday the swine flu vaccine 'is coming out the door as fast as it comes off the production line.'

But at the same time, she acknowledged delays in getting a sufficient supply for all those demanding it.

'We were relying on the manufacturers to give us their numbers and as soon as we got numbers we put them out to the public. It does appear now that those numbers were overly rosy,' Sebelius said in one interview. 'We do have a vaccine that works,' she said. Sebelius said the immune response is working faster than officials anticipated."